Archives: Causes

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Hifdh sponsorship

Quran Memorisation Drive I am fundraising to sponsor a child from underprivileged backgrounds to learn and memorise the Holy Quran. Uthman bin Affan reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” This is one of the best forms of sadaqah […]

Feed A Life Campaign

✅ We can’t do it without you Men, women & children are dying everyday in Syria. They’re crying out for your help. We have teamed up with Spotlight Humanity to help those in need. Our teams are one of the last few who actually remain on the ground in this war-torn country. ✅ Feeding the hungry […]


A new human tragedy that increases the suffering of our people in Palestine. Hundreds of wounded are in urgent need of treatment and medicine, and dozens of families are left without shelter, food, or medicine after their homes were destroyed. The Palestine crisis remains in urgent need of every relief and emergency effort to provide […]