Archives: Causes

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Provide Breakfast to Needy Students in Cambodia

PURPOSE  This campaign aims to provide free daily breakfast to 24 students staying at Emaan Hostel in Phnom Penh Cambodia. The total project cost is USD 21,600 per year.   PROJECT DESCRIPTION  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and many studies have shown that taking breakfast has a positive impact on a student’s […]

Ethar Relief | Food, clothes, and FUN for orphans in this special month

Orphans are the most vulnerable group in the refugee camps of East Sudan. This Ramadan, can we give them something to smile about? Good food, new clothes, even a nice Eid gift and a special fun day? I think we can, with your help! The plight of orphans in refugee camps This Ramadan, we’re going by […]

Fund to Build New Chinese Muslim Mosque in Malaysia

Join us to help build the first Chinese mosque in Selangor, Malaysia Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (MACMA) is a registered NGO with the Registrar of Societies Malaysia on 8 September 1994. The proposal to construct a Chinese architecture designed mosque was mooted and planned by the Selangor State Islamic Religious Department (JAIS), Selangor Public Works […]

Give 240+ Children Daily Meals And Free Schooling

The Problem   What happens after the emergency is over? Emergency relief pours resources into areas that have been most recently destabilized. A few weeks or months of aid, however, usually doesn’t change the situation. Boys beg or lay bricks 10+ hours a day for a single bowl of rice. Children in Rohingya camps continue without education. […]