Archives: Event

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چھٹی شب ء رجب – میلاد دربارفرید (Karachi,PK Event)

6 – Rajab چھٹی شب ء رجب – میلاد دربارفرید *For People in Pakistan Only. Date: 7th February 2022 Time: 5 PM – 7 PM (Karachi Time) Adress: Plot # 240 Block.3 F.B Area Bantwa town Near Karimabad jamat khana, Karachi, Pakistan. Contact: +923112220201   DARBAR-E-FAREEDI

6 Rajab – چھٹی شب (Chicago Event)

6 Rajab – چھٹی شب (Chicago Event) Event Hosted by DARBAR e FAREEDI Date: 7th February 2022 Time: 5 PM Adress: 965 Premrose Dr, Romeoville, IL, 60446.   NOTE: “Masks are necessary. The event will also be hosted online, links will be provided on D-Day itself “. DARBAR-E-FAREEDI


11WI SHAREEF AND ZIYARAT OF ASAR-E-SHAREEF Only for Ladies Date: 4th December 2021 Time: After Maghrib Adress: MAKKAH MASJID 6355 N Claremont Ave, Chicago, IL 60659.   DARBAR-E-FAREEDI

Rabi ul Awwal

Jalsa Seerat-un-Nabi Ziyarat-e-Naat Ziyarat e Asar-e-Mubarak 17th  October Sunday at 12Pm To 4Pm (Ladies Only) Every individual must register themself. Only 170 Seats Available.